The Kingdom of God belongs to such as these! BAPTISM - The sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on Sundays at 2:00 P.M., by appointment. Parent and sponsor preparation classes are required (preferably prior to birth of child). For registration forms and further information, contact the parish secretary on weekdays between 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. (Adults preparing for Baptism follow the R.C.I.A. process. Children over the age of six are prepared through the Children's Catechumenate.)

RECONCILIATION: The sacrament of confession or reconciliation is available to parishioners on Saturday afternoon from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. You may come to confession by appointment.

FIRST COMMUNION AND RECONCILIATION - children are normally prepared for First Confession and first Communion in second grade. Preparation for older children for the sacraments is also available. Special sessions are conducted for both parent and child, in addition to weekly CM classes for the child.

CONFIRMATION - Confirmation preparation takes place during the high school years. Normal preparation time is for one year. One year of religious education (Parochial School or CM) previous to entering the Confirmation program is required.

MARRIAGE - couples should arrange for marriage at least six months in advance. Marriage preparation classes are required. (Date for Marriage is confirmed when all necessary interviews and paperwork are completed.)

SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: A group of dedicated parishioners bring the Blessed Sacrament to the sick of the parish. It is a way to let the sick of the parish know that they are part of the praying community of St. Victor’s parish. Once a year, the sacrament of the sick is celebrated in the church for those who are able to come.


  1. Do you know someone who would like to become Catholic or hear more about the Catholic faith?
  2. Do you know someone who was baptized in another Christian religion who would like to know what Catholics believe?
  3. Do you know a baptized Catholic who would like to receive the sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation?
For anyone who answers "YES" to any of the questions listed above, we offer an adult oriented process of preparation for the sacraments and/or entry into the Catholic Church. The RCIA is an going process with meetings on Tuesday evenings. For additional information - call sister Noreen at the Rectory (251-7055). RCIA preparation

CHURCH MANNERS...Some Helpful Tips

Because the church is God's House where we come to visit, there are certain things we do to show respect. We arrive on time, wearing appropriate attire ... tank tops and shorts are not fitting for the occasion.

We try to maintain our Meeting Place with God in a neat and respectful condition. Tissues and other debris on the floor, books and papers on the pews, gum under the seats, cookie crumbs and cereal left behind, do not show a proper reverence for God's House or for those who come to visit after we have gone.

Because we come to listen to God's Word, we enter in eager anticipation, leaving outside or turned off all that would get in the way ... cell phones, pagers and the like. We try to let nothing distract us or our neighbors from hearing God as He whispers to each of us. A bout of coughing, a crying little one or an overly active child, are things that happen. Out of consideration for one another, all we need do is step out for a moment.

We come to Our Father's House to celebrate with each other the wonders of God's love for us. We do this when we enter into the whole spirit of the visit. We are not spectators. We are more than people who come to watch. We come for a celebration, a joyful reunion in Our Father's House. We sing, we speak, we visit, we respond, we rejoice.

In Our Father's House we share a Meal that unites us all and reminds of what we are to become. We approach the Table that unites us, to receive the Lord who is our Food. We come with hearts unfettered by sin and hands outstretched uncluttered by things. Rosaries and tissues, prayer books and gloves, often make it difficult to place the Blessed Sacrament properly in uncovered hands.

At the end of our visit, Our Father blesses us and sends us forward to bring His Love to the people we will meet in the week ahead. We are sent to give them Hope and a Sense of God's Presence. To leave, before we have been blessed and sent by God Our Father, is to have missed an essential part of understanding the visit. God calls us to be generous and blesses us when we share His Love with others.

We are grateful to God for so many things. Let our one hour at Mass be truly our joyful response to Jesus when He asked, "Can you not spend one hour with Me?"

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