Stained Glass

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - September 5-6, 2009



Today’s second collection is for our Development Fund, which assists with the never-ending repairs and projects on the parish grounds.  Thank you for your generosity.


Labor Day Prayer: Help us dear God to remember that our work is a share in Yours and that we create along with You.  Bless our efforts and assist those who need jobs and cannot find them.

Mass on Monday, September 7th, will be celebrated at 8:00 A.M.  All parish offices will be closed.


RCIA for whom?  Maybe for you?

We welcome interested adults to join our faith community.

If you are not Baptized

Baptized in another faith tradition

Baptized Catholic, but in need of Confirmation and Eucharist

RCIA offers a process, which welcomes interested persons to join in full communion with our Catholic community.  The process will begin on September 15th.  If you are interested in becoming a part of the process or know of someone who might be, please leave a message for Sister Noreen @ 251-7055.  God may be calling you this year to take the steps needed to really be a participating member of our Catholic Community.

Just maybe – RCIA is for you!



Join the Couples for Christ Ministry of Northern California for an afternoon with Fr. Jerry Orbus, SVD from Manila forregular a special teaching on “Peace In our Lives” on Monday, September 7th, at 4:00 P.M. in the Church.  For more info, please contact Bert & Fe Magat @ 923-5105 or


Applications for students wishing to become altar servers are now available at the parish, school or CM offices.  Candidates must be in 4th grade (age 9) through 12th grades to participate.  Practices for public school students will be held after school hours in the Church.  St. Victor’s Students will be trained during the school day.  The deadline for applications is September 25th.


REMINDER: The Sunday 5:00 P.M. Mass will resume on Sunday, September 13th.



SEPTEMBER 12-13, 2009

ISAIAH 50:4-9

JAMES 2:14-18

MARK 8:27-35



Is Your Will Valid?

If your will was written in another state or your financial and/or family circumstance have changed, or it has been three years since it was last reviewed by a professional, it may be obsolete!

If you want to know more about this, the Diocese can provide free assistance.  Call Robert Serventi @ 983-0168, or write to him at: Diocese of San Jose, The Chancery, 1150 N. First St. , Suite 100 , San Jose , CA 95112-4966 .


St. victor’s fiesta (October 3rd & 4th) – Needs your help!

The FIESTA SILENT AUCTION is in need of LARGE baskets.  Please drop them off at the Rectory Office.   THANK YOU to all those who have been bringing baskets and other items for the Auction into the office. 

New or “Gently Used” stuffed animals are needed for the Games Prize Booth.  They also may be brought to the Rectory Office.   Thanks to the parishioners who have already dropped some off.

NEED A TAX DEDUCTION? HAVE A USED CAR IN GOOD WORKING ORDER?  Why not donate it to this year’s FIESTA!!!  Please call the Parish Office @ 251-7055.  If we do get a car, we will have a LIVE auction for it prior to the drawing for the RAFFLE prizes.

Would you like to see your NAME or BUSINESS on display?  Why not sponsor a booth at this year’s FIESTA? For a donation of $120.00 your name/business will be displayed for all to see, while you are helping to defray the cost of booth rentals.  For all the details, please call the Parish Office @ 251-7055.

Dessert Booth Goodies Needed.  Cakes, brownies, cookies, pies, etc. for the Dessert Booth may be dropped off in Classroom #4 during the FIESTA.  (Questions, please call the Parish Office @ 251-7055.

Bingo and Game Booth help needed.  We are looking for volunteers to help with Bingo and other Games.  For more information call the Parish Office @ 251-7055.

We are in DESPERATE need of a “Few Good Men” to help set up the booths, etc. during the day before the Fiesta and also to stay Sunday after the Fiesta to help tear-down the booths, clean-up, etc – to have the grounds back in order for school for the following morning.  Please call the Parish Office @ 251-7055.

Raffle – Don’t forget to turn in your tickets stubs and monies for the Early Bird Drawings for $50.00 worth of $CRIP gift certificates of your choice.  And still be eligible to win the $10,000.00 at the Fiesta!  For your convenience, you may drop them off at the Rectory Office, or place them in the collection basket at Mass. Raffle tickets will be available after all Masses during the month of September beginning this weekend.

CONGRATULATIONS to our first Early Bird winner, Mar Tapia!


The morning session of Shared Scripture will begin on Thursday, September 10th, after the 8:00 A.M. Mass in the parish center.  We will discuss the readings for the upcoming Sunday.  Everyone is welcome.  Please call Sister Noreen for more information @ 251-7055.

The evening session of Shared Scripture will begin meeting at 7:30 P.M. on Thursday, September 17th.  We will meet in the large room of the parish center (the library). We will be reading St. Paul ’s Letter to Philemon.  For more information, please call the Parish Office @ 251-7055.


The next meeting of St. Victor’s Altar Society will be held on Thursday, September 17th, at 6:00 P.M. in the parish hall.  New members are always welcome, please join us!

                Donations to the Church may be made monthly by credit card or checking account transfers.  Parish Pay is now available at St. Victor’s.  You may access the web site @ and click on DONATE or call toll-free @ 1-866-727-4741 and give them the information over the phone.  If you have any questions, you may also call the Parish Office @ 251-7055.

Mass Intentions for the Week  

Monday             August             31         8:00 A.M.          Theresa Zeitvogel

Tuesday            September        01         8:00 A.M.          Deceased Members of the Huu Tran Family

Wednesday       September        02         8:00 A.M.          Rebecca L. Lonzanida

Thursday           September        03         8:00 A.M.          Jennifer Estes

Friday               September        04         8:00 A.M.          Chinita Canullas

                                                            7:30 P.M.          Lorie Ella

Saturday           September        05         8:00 A.M.          Jack Lohrke

                                                            5:00 P.M.          Antonio, Maria, & Philomena Freitas & Mary Poisson      (Father Lim)

Sunday             September        06         7:00 A.M.          For the Parishioners of St. Victor Parish                         (Father Phan)

                                                            8:00 A.M.          Sheila Griffith                                                                (Father Lim)

                                                            9:15 A.M.          St. Victor’s Alumni & Their Special Intentions                  (Father Perata)

                                                           10:45 A.M.         Mateo Sarau, Jr.                                                            (Father Dwyer)

                                                           12:15 P.M.         Cezar Uytingco                                                             (Carmelites)


Banns of Marriage

Gregory Aquino & Eileen Dasalla I


    Please pray for the sick, seriously ill and hospitalized members of our parish community, including those preparing for surgical procedures and tests especially, newborn, Xavier M. Becerra.  We also pray for the speedy recovery of Carlos Solomon, Monique Stuart and Joe Brum.


St. Victor’s Parish Community would like to extend their sympathy and prayers to the families and friends of James T. Gilroy, who recently passed away.


Doug and Karen Fear donated this week’s Sanctuary flowers in celebration of their 40th Wedding Anniversary, which was August 30th.  Congratulations and God bless!


St. Victor’s School will be hosting their Annual Outdoor Volleyball Tourney (Saturday, September 26th) and Football Tourney (Saturday, October 17th).  We need volunteers to help with the officiating/scoring for the volleyball, and down marker and scoring/timing for the football.  Your hours may count towards community service requirements.  You can work all day or half the day.  You don’t have to be a graduate of St. Victor’s School to volunteer.  If you play on a volleyball or football team, you are welcome to ask your teammates to help out.  Lunch is provided and it is a lot of fun.  For questions or sign-ups, please contact Sheri Dizon by e-mail @ of phone 234-6597.


News from the Knights of Columbus

MEETING: The next monthly meeting of the Knights of Columbus will be held on Thursday, September 10th, at 7:30 P.M. in room 8 of the School.

MEMBERSHIP DRIVE: The Knights of Columbus will be having a membership drive after all Masses on September 12th & 13th.  Please feel free to stop and ask any questions that you may have. 



NEEDY FAMILIES:  Our St. Vincent de Paul Society volunteers are working with a family in need of queen-sized bed and a sofa and love seat.  If you are able to help, please call the Rectory Office @ 251-7055. 


$CRIP gift certificates will be available after Masses next weekend (except Sunday 7:00 & 8:00 A.M.).



The Annual Education Appeal, which will be held next weekend, September 12th & 13th, in our Diocese, is most important. It provides financial assistance to many of our Catholic students who want to receive a Catholic education.  This special collection supports the tuition aid program for elementary and high school students in our schools.  Although not all parishes have schools, they all have families with school age children.  Many of our families would like the choice in the school where they can send their children.  Our schools provide that choice.  Over 16,500 students are educated on our 30 elementary and 6 high schools and many are there because our school families and parishioners.  This year we had 2,265 students request financial assistance.  We were only able to provide assistance to 623 students. In light of the grave financial situation of our valley, your partnership and support of the Annual Education Appeal are greatly appreciated as we make this a successful campaign for our students.  For questions/inquiries, contact the Department of Education @ 983-0185.



PARISH FESTIVALS/FIESTAS – Holy Family ( 4848 Peal Ave. ) - September 18th from 6:00-11:00 P.M., September 19th from 10:00 A.M.-11:00 P.M. and September 20th from 12:00 noon-6:00 P.M. Call 265-4040 for details.

St. Catherine of Alexandria ( 17400 Peak Ave. , Morgan Hill ) also September 18th-20th with carnival rides beginning at 4:00 P.M. that Friday. Phone number is 779-3959 for more info, please call them.

St. Brother Albert Polish Mission ( 1020 Clayton Rd. ) – Sunday, September 20th from 11:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M.  For times of special events that day, please call 251-8490.

The next meeting of the Catholic Professional & Business Club, Diocese of San Jose, will be held on Thursday, September 10th, at the Holiday Inn Mediterranean Center (1740 N. First St .).  Mass is at 6:45 A.M. and the Breakfast Program begins at 7:15 A.M.  If you need more information, please contact Jessica King @ 491-9229 or visit the web site @



Catechetical Ministry (CM) registration will be held Thursday & Friday, September 10th & 11th, from 4:00-8:00 P.M., Saturday, September 12th, from 9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M. and Sunday, September 13th, from 8:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M. in the parish center.  All those who will be signing-up their student(s) to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation (Confession), First Eucharist (Communion) or Confirmation must bring an original or a copy of their child’s BAPTISMAL certificate. It’s always good practice to bring the original or a copy, even if you think you may have given it to us already, as no student will be registered for their Sacraments if we do not have one on record.  No exceptions will be made.  We will not keep your original, however, we will keep all copies given.

Please remember: If you are registering someone else’s student(s) for CM Classes (i.e., niece, nephew, grandchild, friend), you MUST have written permission from the parent along with a COMPLETED Emergency Form/Family Agreement Form for each student.  In this particular case, no student will be registered without permission or completed forms. [For your convenience, you may print the form from our Website, .  Please scroll down to CM handbook and open it.  The “Emergency Form” and “Family Agreement Form” are near the end of the handbook.  Print as many as needed for the amount of students you have. ]

A NOTE TO ALL REGISTERING FAMILIES: All emergency forms MUST be complete, as this is now considered a “Diocesan” registration form.  Please do NOT leave any blanks.  Bring all your information (doctor numbers, dentist numbers, current emergency contact info) with you.


PLEASE NOTE: The new U.n.I. Lord (teens and young adults) email address is:


                            CATECHETICAL MINISTRY HELP NEEDED - CM is looking for those who are

                             interested in sharing their faith, time and talents with our Junior High and High School

                             students.  This is a weekly commitment for Junior High, and twice a month for High

                             School Confirmation students.  We are also looking for teachers for the Wednesday

                             program for 4th, 5th & 6th Sacrament, 5th Grade and 1st Grade.  Training will be done by

                             the CM Office.  As always, there are guidelines that need to be followed.  Please contact Anne Gleason in the CM Office for further details. Please prayerfully consider this most important ministry.  For more information, please leave a message for Sharron Hollenbeck or Angela Giampaoli in the Catechetical Ministry Office @ 251-0165.



The Teen and Young Adult Choir (Sunday 5:00 P.M. Mass) has begun its recruitment for 2009-10.  This music ministry requires a one-year commitment.  Practices are held on Thursday evenings from 5:30-7:00 P.M. in the Church and on Sunday afternoons at 4:00 P.M. (before Mass).  If you are interested in singing or playing a musical instrument for this choir, please see Rosemarie Tice after the 5:00 P.M. Mass, or during their practices, which have already begun.  To arrange an interview with Rosemarie Tice, please contact Sharron Hollenbeck @ 926-1636.

U.n.I. Lord presents their annual kick off for the new year with an Ice Cream Social (mandatory attendance for Confirmation I and II students) on Sunday, September 20th, from 3:00-5:00 P.M. in the Parish Center .  All high school teens are welcome.

The Diocesan Council of Filipino Catholics invites all Filipino Youth in the Diocese to gather and celebrate at Our Lady of Peace Church ( 2800 Mission College Blvd. , Santa Clara ) on September 12th, from 8:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M. For details or to RSVP (by September 5th), please call the Parish Office @ 251-7055.

For information regarding other special events and activities (i.e. Diocese of San Jose Youth Ministry tickets for the Earthquakes vs. Colorado Rapids on September 18th) as well as volunteer opportunities for our Youth and Young Adults, visit our website @ and click on Youth Newsletter.


Be Strong, do not fear! (Is 35.4)


August 29-30, 2009

August 22-23, 2009

August 15-16, 2009

August 8-9, 2009

August 1-2, 2009

July 25-26, 2009

July 18-19, 2009

July 11-12, 2009

July 4-5, 2009

June 27-28, 2009

June 20-21, 2009

June 13-14, 2009

June 6-7, 2009

May 30-31, 2009

May 23-24, 2009

May 16-17, 2009

May 9-10, 2009

May 2-3, 2009

April 25-26, 2009

April 18-19, 2009

April 11-12, 2009

April 4-5, 2009

March 28-29, 2009

March 21-22, 2009

March 14-15, 2009

March 7-8, 2009

Feb 28-Mar 1, 2009

February 21-22, 2009

February 14-15, 2009

February 7-8, 2009

January 31- February 1, 2009

January 24-25, 2009

January 17-18, 2009

January 10-11, 2009

January 3-4, 2009

December 27-28, 2008

December 20-21, 2008

December 13-14, 2008

December 6-7, 2008

November 29-30, 2008

November 22-23, 2008

November 15-16, 2008

November 8-9, 2008

November 1-2, 2008

October 25-26, 2008

October 18-19, 2008

October 11-12, 2008

October 4-5, 2008

September 27-28, 2008

September 20-21, 2008

September 13-14, 2008

September 6-7, 2008

August 30-31, 2008

August 23-24, 2008

August 16-17, 2008

August 9-10, 2008

August 2-3, 2008

July 26-27, 2008

July 19-20, 2008

July 12-13, 2008

July 5-6, 2008

June 28-29, 2008

June 21-22, 2008

June 14-15, 2008

June 7-8, 2008

May 31-June 1, 2008

May 24-25, 2008

May 17-18, 2008

May 10-11, 2008

May 3-4, 2008

April 26-27, 2008

April 19-20, 2008

April 12-13, 2008

April 5-6, 2008

March 29-30, 2008

March 22-23, 2008

March 15-16, 2008

March 8-9, 2008

March 1-2, 2008











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