Stained Glass

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time - July 11-12, 2009

Juan Diego Society representatives will be speaking to us for a few minutes at each Mass this weekend, July 11th & 12th.  They will also have materials regarding their services and needs available for you to take home after Mass.  Feel free to stop by and ask any questions that may have.


RCIA for whom?  Maybe for you?

We welcome interested adults to join our faith community.

If you are not Baptized

Baptized in another faith tradition

Baptized Catholic, but in need of Confirmation and Eucharist

RCIA offers a process, which welcomes interested persons to join in full communion with our Catholic community.  The process will begin in September.  If you are interested in becoming a part of the process or know of someone who might be, please leave a message for Sister Noreen @ 251-7055.  God may be calling you this year to take the steps needed to really be a participating member of our Catholic Community.

Just maybe – RCIA is for you!



CM is looking for those who are interested in sharing their faith, time and talents with our Junior High and High School students.  This is a weekly commitment for Junior High, and twice a month for High School Confirmation students.  Please prayerfully consider this most important ministry (Training is provided.)  For more information, please leave a message for Sharron Hollenbeck or Angela Giampaoli in the Catechetical Ministry Office @ 251-0165.


$CRIP gift certificates will be available after Masses this weekend (except Sunday 7:00 and 8:00 A.M.) for all of your shopping, dining and gift-giving needs.  There is no extra cost to you.  You purchase the gift certificate at face value and the store, merchant or restaurant makes a donation to St. Victor’s School.


A ROUND OF APPLAUSE to our wonderful Vacation Bible School volunteers for such an outstanding job!  The children certainly had a lot of fun while learning about God’s work!



JULY 18-19, 2009



MARK 6:30-34



Retirement Plans – Use ‘Em Or Lose ‘Em

Did you know that retirement plan assets are part of your estate?  They also have never been taxed as income.  The IRS loves these plans, because they can get two bites instead of one! This can reduce their value to your heirs by up to 70%.

If you want to know more about this, the Diocese can provide free assistance.  Call Robert Serventi @ 983-0168, or write to him at: Diocese of San Jose, The Chancery, 1150 N. First Street, Suite 100, San Jose, CA 95112-4966.


St. Victor’s Fiesta (October 3rd & 4th) – Needs your help!

The FIESTA SILENT AUCTION is in need of LARGE baskets.  Please drop them off at the Rectory Office.

New or “Gently Used” stuffed animals are needed for the Games Prize Booth.  They also may be taken to the Rectory Office.

NEED A TAX DEDUCTION? HAVE A USED CAR IN GOOD WORKING ORDER?  Why not donate it to this year’s FIESTA!!!  Please call the Parish Office @ 251-7055.  If we do get a car, we will have a LIVE auction for it prior to the drawing for the RAFFLE prizes.

Fiesta Entertainment – Are you a talented individual or group who would like to be included in this year’s entertainment at St. Victor’s FIESTA?  If so, please call the Parish Office @ 251-7055.  Also, if you know a professional entertainment group, who would be interested in donating their talent to this year’s FIESTA, please call.

Would you like to see your NAME or BUSINESS on display?  Why not sponsor a booth at this year’s FIESTA? For a donation of $125.00 your name/business will be displayed for all to see, while you are helping to defray the cost of booth rentals.  For all the details, please call the Parish Office @ 251-7055.

A chairperson is needed for our tri-tip BBQ.   If you are able to help, please call the Parish Office @ 251-7055 ASAP.



The Feast of St. Victor will be celebrated on Tuesday, July 28th.  Masses will be celebrated at 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M.  Please plan on joining us for a simple picnic/BBQ after the evening Mass, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.



(Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage)

The Diocesan Council of Filipino Catholics invites everyone to a Novena of Masses (July 16th-25th) in honor of Our Lady of Antipolo, which will be held at different Churches in the Diocese. On July 21st, the Fiesta Mass will be celebrated here at St. Victor’s Church at 7:00 P.M.    A reception will follow the Mass.  For more information, please call the Parish Office @ 251-7055 or see the flyer on the bulletin board in the vestibule.


Filipiniana Dinner Dance

The Fil-Am Association cordially invites you to their Filipiniana Dinner Dance on Saturday, August 1st, in the Parish Hall from 6:30 P.M. to midnight.  This is an annual fund-raising event chaired by Dan & Thelma Boac for the benefit of St. Victor’s Church.  Come and enjoy a night of a sumptuous catered buffet dinner, entertainment and dancing to the music of Joe Alvarez.  For ticket information, please call the Parish Office @ 251-7055, or ask any Fil-Am member.

                Donations to the Church may be made monthly by credit card or checking account transfers.  Parish Pay is now available at St. Victor’s.  You may access the web site @ and click on DONATE or call toll-free @ 1-866-727-4741 and give them the information over the phone.  If you have any questions, you may also call the Parish Office @ 251-7055.

Mass Intentions for the Week  

Monday            July      13         8:00 A.M.          Special Intention

Tuesday            July      14         8:00 A.M.          Mary Eleanor Gaiero

Wednesday       July      15         8:00 A.M.          James Miceli

Thursday           July      16         8:00 A.M.          Thomas Pinheiro

Friday               July      17         8:00 A.M.          Donald & Eleanor Aveni

Saturday           July      18         8:00 A.M.          Betty Leone

                                                5:00 P.M.          Frank Lavorato                                       (Father Phan)

Sunday             July      19         7:00 A.M.          For the Parishioners of St. Victor Parish  (Father Lim)

                                                8:00 A.M.          Israelito N. Beltran                                 (Father Lim)

                                                9:15 A.M.          Juanito Maglabe                                    (Father Phan)

                                               10:45 A.M.         Raymond Earl Van Fleet                        (Father Phan)

                                               12:15 P.M.         Jesus Hernandez Lepe                           (Carmelite)


Banns of Marriage

Thao Bui & Jing Fang I


Pray For Our Sick

Please pray for our sick, seriously ill and hospitalized parishioners, as well as those preparing for surgical procedures and tests, especially Daniel Cichetti and Bernabe N. Dizon.


Rest In Peace

St. Victor’s parish community would like to extend their sympathy and prayers to the family and friends of Alex Bachar, who recently passed away.


Thank You

The Altar Society would like to THANK Mrs. Valderrama for her generous monetary gift,

that will assist with beautifying the altar.



Catechetical Ministry (CM) registration will be held Thursday & Friday, September 10th & 11th, from 4:00-8:00 P.M., Saturday, September 12th, from 9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M. and Sunday, September 13th, from 8:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M. in the parish center.  All those who will be signing-up their student(s) to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation (Confession), First Eucharist (Communion) or Confirmation must bring an original or a copy of their child’s BAPTISMAL certificate. It’s always good practice to bring the original or a copy, even if you think you may have given it to us already, as no student will be registered for their Sacraments if we do not have one on record.  No exceptions will be made.  We will not keep your original, however, we will keep all copies given.

Please remember: If you are registering someone else’s student(s) for CM Classes (i.e., niece, nephew, grandchild, friend), you MUST have written permission from the parent along with a COMPLETED Emergency Form/Family Agreement Form for each student.  In this particular case, no student will be registered without permission or completed forms. [For your convenience, you may print the form from our Website, .  Please scroll down to CM handbook and open it.  The “Emergency Form” and “Family Agreement Form” are near the end of the handbook.  Print as many as needed for the amount of students you have. ]

A NOTE TO ALL REGISTERING FAMILIES: All emergency forms MUST be complete, as this is now considered a “Diocesan” registration form.  Please do NOT leave any blanks.  Bring all your information (doctor numbers, dentist numbers, current emergency contact info) with you.


PLEASE NOTE: The new U.n.I. Lord (teens and young adults) email address is: .



ALUMNI 3-ON-3 BBALL TOURNEY – on Saturday, August 8th, from 8:00 A.M.-3:30 P.M.  Cost is $15.00 per person. Check out the website for information and registration:



YOUR HELP IS REQUESTED. Marie Yeap, a high school student and alumni from St. Victor’s, will participate this summer in a weeklong immersion experience here in San Jose .  She is asking for donations of bags of rice and beans and school backpacks (new or gently used) and supplies, which will be distributed by Catholic Charities to newly arrived immigrants.  The donations of rice and beans may be dropped off in the box in the vestibule labeled, Help Marie Donate Rice and Beans.  School backpacks and supplies may be taken to the Rectory Office.

NEEDY FAMILIES.  There are a couple of families in our parish area in need of a sofa, love seat and a refrigerator.  If you are able to help, please call the Parish Office @ 251-7055.

EASTSIDE F.I.S.H. food collection is next weekend.  Please bring your non-perishable food donations (peanut butter, tuna, canned fruits and vegetables, macaroni & cheese, etc.) and place them in the box in the vestibule of the Church.  Thank you!

CATHOLIC CHARITIES PROGRAM.  Catholic charities Immigration and Legal services counselors guide people through the citizenship process and their senior centers offer classes for seniors preparing for the citizenship exam.  Please contact Mui Sam Le at the John XXIII Center @ 282-8606 or  

MARTHA’S KITCHEN Gourmet Benefit Dinner and Wine Tasting will be held on Thursday, September 10th, beginning at 5:30 P.M. ( 311 Willow St. ) to help raise money to feed the hungry.  Dinners are $100.00 per plate.  Sponsorships and auction items are still needed.  Please call Edita Cruz @ 293-6111 for all the details.


There will be a guest speaker at each Mass next weekend, regarding the needs of the Missions. 

Extra envelopes will be in the pews for the Mission Co-Op second collection.


“God will give what is good and our land will yield its increase.” (Psalm 85:12)


July 4-5, 2009

June 27-28, 2009

June 20-21, 2009

June 13-14, 2009

June 6-7, 2009

May 30-31, 2009

May 23-24, 2009

May 16-17, 2009

May 9-10, 2009

May 2-3, 2009

April 25-26, 2009

April 18-19, 2009

April 11-12, 2009

April 4-5, 2009

March 28-29, 2009

March 21-22, 2009

March 14-15, 2009

March 7-8, 2009

Feb 28-Mar 1, 2009

February 21-22, 2009

February 14-15, 2009

February 7-8, 2009

January 31- February 1, 2009

January 24-25, 2009

January 17-18, 2009

January 10-11, 2009

January 3-4, 2009

December 27-28, 2008

December 20-21, 2008

December 13-14, 2008

December 6-7, 2008

November 29-30, 2008

November 22-23, 2008

November 15-16, 2008

November 8-9, 2008

November 1-2, 2008

October 25-26, 2008

October 18-19, 2008

October 11-12, 2008

October 4-5, 2008

September 27-28, 2008

September 20-21, 2008

September 13-14, 2008

September 6-7, 2008

August 30-31, 2008

August 23-24, 2008

August 16-17, 2008

August 9-10, 2008

August 2-3, 2008

July 26-27, 2008

July 19-20, 2008

July 12-13, 2008

July 5-6, 2008

June 28-29, 2008

June 21-22, 2008

June 14-15, 2008

June 7-8, 2008

May 31-June 1, 2008

May 24-25, 2008

May 17-18, 2008

May 10-11, 2008

May 3-4, 2008

April 26-27, 2008

April 19-20, 2008

April 12-13, 2008

April 5-6, 2008

March 29-30, 2008

March 22-23, 2008

March 15-16, 2008

March 8-9, 2008

March 1-2, 2008











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