Peter & Paul, Apostles - June 28-29,2008
SECOND COLLECTION TODAY FOR ST. VICTOR’S ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETYToday’s second collection is for our St. Vincent de Paul Society. Please help our volunteers help the needy members of our parish community. Thank you! Thank You and Best Wishes! Please join us as we say THANK YOU and offer
our BEST WISHES to Father Lieu Vu after all Masses this Sunday,
June 29th, in the parish hall. We appreciate his service as vicar
with us over the past three years. Have a good, fun-filled holiday, may it be a safe one! Between the picnics and the fireworks, take a moment to remember God Who has given our country its freedom, its bounty and its proud history. Thank God His hand has blessed us, as Americans and as His children. REMINDER: All Parish Offices will be closed on Friday, July 4th. Masses will be celebrated at 8:00 and 9:00 A.M. and 7:30 P.M. (First Friday evening Mass). RITE OF
whom? Maybe for you? We welcome interested adults to join our faith community. If you are not Baptized Baptized in another faith tradition Baptized Catholic, but in need of Confirmation and Eucharist RCIA offers a process, which welcomes interested persons to join in full communion with our Catholic Community. The process will begin in September. If you are interested in becoming a part of the process or know of someone who might be, please leave a message for Sister Noreen @ 251-7055. God may be calling you this year to take the steps needed to really be a participating member of our Catholic Community. Just maybe – RCIA is for you! WELCOME
to all
visitors. We hope that you enjoy
your time and celebration with us. SCRIPTURE
5-6, 2008 ZECHARIAH
9:9-10 ROMANS
8:9, 11-13 MATTHEW
11:25-30 PLANNED
Sell... Thinking of selling appreciated assets like stocks, bonds, property or a vacation home? You may be able to do so without paying taxes, while increasing your income and, at the same time, making a great gift to St. Victor’s Parish. If you want to know more about this, the Diocese can provide free assistance. Call Robert Serventi @ 983-0168, or write to him at: 900 Lafayette St., Suite 301, Santa Clara, CA 95050.
Please give a warm St. Victor’s welcome to Father
Michael Hendrickson and Father Paul-Cuong Phan as they begin to celebrate Masses
with us here at St. Victor’s this coming week.
A formal reception will be held for both priests sometime in the fall,
when Father Michael is installed as pastor. Father
Perata’s new address is: Rev. Stephen Perata, 6138 Montgomery Place, San Jose,
CA 95135. First
Friday Adoration and Mass Please join us
at the Vigil before the Blessed Sacrament on Friday, July 4th.
Our 24-hour Adoration begins in the Chapel after Friday’s 8:00
A.M. Mass. Our First Friday Mass
will be celebrated at 7:30 P.M. in the Church. POST NO BILLS. Have you ever gone to your car after Mass and found handbills or brochures placed under the wiper blade? Did you wonder whether this was done with permission or not? Please be assured that no one has permission or approval to leave literature on your car. When it happens, it does not imply parish endorsement of product, candidate or issue. The same is true of notices, posters and literature on the bulletin boards, tables or bookrack at the entry of the Church, or actually stuffed inside our Sunday bulletin (The Catalyst, business ads, etc.). Only those articles/notices, which have been submitted to the Parish Office for approval, may be displayed. With your help we can keep our Church a pleasant place to worship while reflecting prayerfully on the issues of our time. Donated Items Needed For Our VBS Hyperspeed Games? Please check your homes, we need 5 each of child-sized wading pools, hula hoops, buckets, splash balls, hairdryers, ping-pong balls, beach balls, long dowels or broomsticks and leaf blowers, 15 spray bottles and 30 pool “noodles.” Items may be dropped off at the Rectory Office Monday through Friday from 8:00 A.M.-8:00 P.M. If you would like your item(s) returned to you after VBS, please mark your name on it. For any questions, call Vickie Reed @ 251-0154/251-7055.Good-Bye and Thank
It has been a great joy working in St. Victor’s
Parish with its wonderful mixture of races and cultures, it is now time that I
have to move on to serve the next community, St. Frances Cabrini Church in San
Jose. Even though I leave St.
Victor’s with sad feelings because of love for each of you, I have a heart
full of gratitude to God for the gift of my priesthood and to one and all who
supported and loved me in my humble ministry.
I will always remember you in my prayers.
Special thanks to those who organized and participated in the “farewell
party.” I will miss you all!
Lieu Vu
Intentions for the Week Monday June 30 8:00 A.M. Lodi Vizcara Tuesday July 01 8:00 A.M. Giuse Dinh Ngoc Binh Wednesday July 02 8:00 A.M. Proceso Pardo Thursday July 03 8:00 A.M. Jesus Mandreza Friday July 04 8:00 A.M. Nemesia Danipog 9:00 A.M. Porfirio L. Tugangui 7:30 P.M. Frances Wanda Klingensmith Saturday July 05 8:00 A.M. Paul Koichi Ito, PhD 5:00 P.M. Frances Wanda Klingensmith Sunday July 06 9:15 A.M. Dorothy Galvin 10:45 A.M. Dr. Philip Neri & Pat, Amelia & Connie Rapa 12:15 P.M. Reynaldo D. NabongBanns of Marriage
Ryan Phillips & Marissha Perlas II Gerald Pfeiffer & Laura Burket I Antonio Paniagua
& Jeanine Gonzalez
I Flowers for the
This week’s Sanctuary flowers are offered for the honor and glory of God and in celebration of the 88th birthday of Isabel Abad from all of her children. The flowers are also in loving memory of Thomas P. McCormick from the J. Bruce Klingensmith family. Thank You
THANKS to everyone who joined our celebration in honor of Our Mother of Perpetual Help. Thank you for your devotion, support and generosity. St. victor’s fiesta(October
4th& 5th) – Needs your help! The Silent Auction is looking for new chairpersons for next
year. The current chair ladies
would like to work with them this year in preparation for 2009.
Please call the Parish Office @ 251-7055, if you are able to help with
this very important part of the yearly FIESTA! The FIESTA Silent Auction is in need of LARGE
BASKETS. Please drop them off at
the Rectory Office. NEED A TAX DEDUCTION?
Why not donate it to this year’s FIESTA!!!
Please call the Parish Office @ 251-7055.
If we do get a car, we will have a LIVE auction for it prior to the
drawing for the RAFFLE prizes. Fiesta Entertainment – Are you a talented individual or group who would like to be included in
this year’s entertainment at St. Victor’s FIESTA?
If so, please call Alice @ 928-1630.
Also, if you know a professional entertainment group, who would be
interested in donating their talent to this year’s FIESTA, please call
Alice. Would you like to see your NAME or BUSINESS on display? Why not sponsor a booth at this year’s FIESTA? For a donation of $120.00 your name/business will be displayed for all to see, while you are helping to defray the cost of booth rentals. For all the details, please call the Parish Office @ 251-7055.
NEWS FROM CATECHETICAL MINISTRY CM TEACHERS NEEDED. If you have a love for children and a desire to share your faith, Catechetical Ministry is in need of teachers for our fall session. Currently, we are looking for a 3rd grade teacher for Wednesday classes and a 5th grade co-teacher for Saturday classes, as well as aides for both Wednesdays and Saturdays. We are also in need of a 6th grade teacher (facilitator) and High School Confirmation I facilitators (the facilitators are members of a core team that present to a smaller group). This is a big commitment and we ask you to please give it prayerful consideration. CM will train you. Please keep in mind, all volunteers now need to meet the following criteria in addition to being trained by CM: all must be fingerprinted, a Diocesan application completed to be kept on file, and an online Safe Environment Workshop, mandated by the Diocese must be completed. If you are interested, please call 251-0154 and leave a message. Although the CM Office is closed until August 15th, we will be checking for messages through the summer and will contact you for an interview when we return. All fingerprint appointments must be set up through the CM Office and the Safe Environment Workshop information will be given when you come in to set up your appointment. The entire process may sound complicated, but is really very simple and well worth the effort. We look forward to hearing from you. TEENS
RETREAT – U.n.I. Lord Teen Group (high
school) presents a 13-hour overnight retreat from Friday evening, July 25th,
at 8:00 P.M. until Saturday morning, July 26th, at 9:00 A.M.
Cost is $10.00. Reserve
your space now by calling Sharron Hollenbeck @ 251-0154.
Come join us on a journey of discovery! {Please see today’s bulletin
insert for details.
for registration is July 16th.}
latest issue of THE VALLEY CATHOLIC.
Parishioner, Mary Esteban, made the front cover for her years of
service in Catechetical Ministry, as well on page 18 with fellow parishioners,
James Reed and Emily Burket. Please
also see pages 3 & 4 for the article regarding Father Perata’s 50th
Jubilee celebration. SOCIAL
JUSTICE NOTE: Congressman Mike
Honda presents a Homeowner Foreclosure Prevention Workshop on Wednesday, July
2nd, @ 5:00 P.M. at the Berryessa Branch Library Community Room (3355 Noble
Ave.). Attendance is free and open
to the public. Please RSVP to: [Please
see the flyer on the bulletin board in the vestibule for more details.] “I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.”
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