Stained Glass

5th Sunday of Easter - May 9-10, 2009

Mother’s Day Spiritual Bouquet Cards

Mother’s Day Spiritual Bouquet Cards are still available on the tables around the inside of the Church. These cards are wonderful for remembering mothers everywhere – living or deceased.  It is a great opportunity to have them remembered during Mass in our Church on Mother’s Day and throughout the month of May.  Please drop the completed return envelope in the collection basket TODAY or take it to the Parish Office as soon as possible. Lord, Bless Our Mothers!

“A Saint for Mothers and Mothers-To-Be – St. Gianna Beretta Molla, canonized in 2004 by Pope John Paul II, is a saint for modern times.  A young physician who continued to work even while raising young children, Gianna gave her life during child-birth so that her baby would live.  Since her death, women have sought her intercession to help them conceive as well as to help them balance the demands of modern motherhood.  A shrine honoring this saint is maintained in Warminster, Pennsylvania.   For information, visit or call (215) 333-0145.”    [May 2008 Catholic Digest]


Mother’s Day Brunch Buffet

The Knights of Columbus Milpitas Council 5796 is hosting a Mother’s Day Buffet right here in St. Victor’s Parish Hall this Sunday, May 10th, from 8:00 A.M.-1:00 P.M.  The buffet will include omelets, eggs, pancakes, sausage, bacon, baron of beef, ham and turkey tray, croissants, fresh fruit, rice, potato salad, desserts, orange juice and coffee.  Cost is only $13.00 per adult and $8.00 per child (12 and under). Tickets will be available at the door.


YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE! At the Bishop and Father Michael’s request - until further notice and because of the swine flu outbreak - our parishioners are asked: to refrain from holding hands during the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer, to share the Sign of Peace by making a reverent bow to each other, and to receive Holy Communion only into the hands. 


May is Foster Care Awareness Month.  Please pray for these children and families who are in need of our support.  For more information regarding Foster Care, please call Help One Child @ (888) KID-HOPE or visit .


PLEASE NOTE: Any flyers, posters, letters, etc. that are posted on the bulletin boards in the vestibule or around the tables of the Church must come through the Diocese of San Jose and the Parish Office.  If not approved through the proper channels, they will be taken down and/or removed from the Church.



MAY 16-17, 2009

ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48

1 JOHN 4:7-10

JOHN 15:9-17



Remember St. Victor’s Parish In Your Plans

It is easy to remember St. Victor’s Parish in your estate plans, wills, trust, insurance policies, or retirement plans.  Please use the following wording: “To the Roman Catholic Bishop of San Jose, a California Corporation sole, for the benefit of St. Victor’s Parish.”

If you want to know more about this, the Diocese can provide free assistance.   Call Robert Serventi @ 983-0168, or write to him at: 1150 N. First St., Suite 100, San Jose, CA 95112-4966.



CM is looking for those who are interested in sharing their faith, time and talents with our Junior High and High School students.  This is a weekly commitment for Junior High, and twice a month for High School Confirmation students.  Please prayerfully consider this most important ministry (Training is provided.)  For more information, please contact Sharron Hollenbeck or Angela Giampaoli in the Catechetical Ministry Office @ 251-0165.


Mark Your Calendars!

CONGRATULATIONS to Father Lim who is celebrating the 40th anniversary of his ordination. A gala celebration is planned for next Sunday, May 17th, beginning with the 12:15 P.M. Mass and followed by a reception in the hall and on the parish grounds.

Help is needed on Saturday and Sunday, May 16th & 17th, for set-up, food preparation, serving food, kitchen, clean-up, etc. Food items needed: fruit, egg rolls, desserts & hors d’oeuvres.  Please call Alice Trigg at the parish office @ 251-7055, if you are able to help in any way.  



There Shines Today a New Light in the Eyes of His Children

The Saturdays of May 2nd and 9th were particularly wonderful for St. Victor’s Parish Community. Ninety-three children of the parish received their First Holy Communion. The children and their parents have been preparing for this event for many months.  This sacrament of initiation is one more step in our children’s faith journey toward wholeness with God.  In addition to the preparation by the First Communion families of St. Victor’s, there are other parish members who should be recognized for their efforts in catechizing the children.  The teachers, both in the Catechetical Program and the School, are to be THANKED for their commitment and dedication to the spread of the Gospel message.  Jesus says to us, “Wherever two or three have come together in My name, I am there with them.”  Jesus is with us as we welcome, congratulate and pray for those who have received their First Eucharist.



You are invited to come to the meeting on Sunday, May 31st, from 2:30-4:30 P.M. in the small room of the parish center for information regarding this pilgrimage (Venice, Bled, Opatia, Plitvice Lakes, Medjugorge, Dubrovnik, Split and Zagreb). For any further questions, please contact Father Lim at the parish office @ 251-7055. 

                Donations to the Church may be made monthly by credit card or checking account transfers.  Parish Pay is now available at St. Victor’s.  You may access the web site @ and click on DONATE or call toll-free @ 1-866-727-4741 and give them the information over the phone.  If you have any questions, you may also call Alice at the Parish Office @ 251-7055.

Mass Intentions for the Week  

Monday-Thursday          May      11-14    8:00 A.M.          In Honor of Mothers

Friday                           May      15         8:00 A.M.          John Driscoll

Saturday                       May      16         8:00 A.M.          In Honor of Mothers

                                                            5:00 P.M.          Abraham Tandoc                                    (Father Hendrickson)

Sunday                         May      17         7:00 A.M.          For the Parishioners of St. Victor Parish  (Father Hendrickson)

                                                            8:00 A.M.          Monsignor Thomas Ahern                       (Father Hendrickson)

                                                            9:15 A.M.          In Honor of Mothers                                (Father Phan)

                                                           10:45 A.M.         Dr. Philip Neri & Pat, Amelia & Connie Rapa (Father Dwyer)

                                                           12:15 P.M.         Bibianan D. Mendoza                             (Father Lim)

                                                            5:00 P.M.          Romeo Jerota                                        (Father Phan)


Banns of Marriage

Aries Laderas & Thereza Salandanon III

Glenn Natividad & Christine Sun I


Sympathy and Understanding

St. Victor’s Parish Community would like to extend their sympathy and prayers to the family and friends of Jennifer Estes, who recently passed away.


In Loving Memory

This week’s Sanctuary flowers were donated by Ben & Minda Del Castillo in loving memory of their parents, Jose and Fe Palacios and Roger & Sofia Del Castillo.

If you would like to donate the Sanctuary flowers in celebration of a baptism, birthday, marriage, anniversary, in thanksgiving or in memoriam, please call the parish office @ 251-7055.  Minimum donation requested is $100.00.


Pray for our Sick

Please pray for the sick, seriously ill and hospitalized members of our parish community, including those preparing for surgical procedures and tests, especially Jim Simas.


Altar Society Meeting

An important reminder to all Altar Society members – please mark your calendars for our meeting on Thursday, May 21st, at 6:30 P.M. in the parish hall.  Parishioners interested in joining this wonderful organization are always welcome.


Vacation Bible Camp (VBC) will be held on July 6th-10th.  We are in need of a lot of volunteers to be able to have this special program for our children.  If you are able to help or have any questions, please call the parish office @ 251-7055. 



NEEDY FAMILIES.  St. Victor’s St. Vincent de Paul Society volunteers are working with several families in need of a microwave, dining room set, living room set and a refrigerator.  Please call the parish office @ 251-7055 if you are able to help. 

EASTSIDE F.I.S.H. food collection is next weekend.  Please bring your non-perishable food donations (peanut butter, canned fruits & vegetables, tuna, macaroni & cheese, etc.) and place them in the box in the vestibule of the Church.

CATHOLIC CHARITIES PROGRAMS.  To learn about sponsoring a refugee family, contact Julia Shepardson @ 325-5209 or to become a foster parent for a teenage refugee, contact Coleen Higa @ 325-5159.  The Annual Catholic Charities Golf Tournament will be held on June 8th, at the Cinnabar Hills Golf Club.  Please plan on joining us!  For information, please call Susan Kevorkian @ 325-5252 or .






Come and See – The Society of Jesus (Jesuits) will be hosting a “Come and See” gathering at Santa Clara University next Saturday, May 16th, from 9:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. Single men, ages 18-45, who would like to learn more about the Jesuits or exploring a vocation to the religious life are invited to come.  To RSVP or for more information, please contact Father Chris Cartwright, SJ, @ or 554-4649 or Brother Jim Siwicki, SJ, Vocation Director @ or 499-6313.

Christian Singles Fellowship is a group of single men and women, ages 40s and 50s, throughout the bay area seeking spiritual growth and new friendships through sharing food, speakers and fun.  The meetings take place at St. Lucy’s Parish Activity Center (2350 Winchester Blvd., Campbell).  The doors open at 6:45 P.M. and the cost is $15.00 (dinner).  For more information, please phone Linda @ 535-0638.

St. Joseph Parish School International Festival (1120 Miramonte Ave., Mountain View) will be held on Friday, May 29th, from 5:00-10:00 P.M., Saturday, May 30th, from 11:00 A.M.-10:00 P.M. and Sunday, May 31st, from 12:00 noon-6:00 P.M.  Please join us!

“I am the vine; you are the branches.” (John 15:5)


May 2-3, 2009

April 25-26, 2009

April 18-19, 2009

April 11-12, 2009

April 4-5, 2009

March 28-29, 2009

March 21-22, 2009

March 14-15, 2009

March 7-8, 2009

Feb 28-Mar 1, 2009

February 21-22, 2009

February 14-15, 2009

February 7-8, 2009

January 31- February 1, 2009

January 24-25, 2009

January 17-18, 2009

January 10-11, 2009

January 3-4, 2009

December 27-28, 2008

December 20-21, 2008

December 13-14, 2008

December 6-7, 2008

November 29-30, 2008

November 22-23, 2008

November 15-16, 2008

November 8-9, 2008

November 1-2, 2008

October 25-26, 2008

October 18-19, 2008

October 11-12, 2008

October 4-5, 2008

September 27-28, 2008

September 20-21, 2008

September 13-14, 2008

September 6-7, 2008

August 30-31, 2008

August 23-24, 2008

August 16-17, 2008

August 9-10, 2008

August 2-3, 2008

July 26-27, 2008

July 19-20, 2008

July 12-13, 2008

July 5-6, 2008

June 28-29, 2008

June 21-22, 2008

June 14-15, 2008

June 7-8, 2008

May 31-June 1, 2008

May 24-25, 2008

May 17-18, 2008

May 10-11, 2008

May 3-4, 2008

April 26-27, 2008

April 19-20, 2008

April 12-13, 2008

April 5-6, 2008

March 29-30, 2008

March 22-23, 2008

March 15-16, 2008

March 8-9, 2008

March 1-2, 2008

February 23-24, 2008

February 16-17, 2008

February 9-10, 2008

February 2-3, 2008 

January 26-27, 2008 

January 19-20, 2008 

January 12-13, 2008 

January 5-6, 2008 

December 29-30, 2007 

December 22-23, 2007 

December 15-16, 2007 

December 8-9, 2007 

December 1-2, 2007 











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