4th Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 31- February 1, 2009
second collection is for St. Victor’s Development Fund.
This fund assists with the never-ending repairs and projects on the
parish grounds. Thank you for your
support. 2009
WEEKEND. After the homily at all
the Masses, please participate in the Offertory Procession.
Bring your pledge form in its envelope to the altar as a sign of your
faith and an expression of love. This
is an opportunity for us to unite with all Catholics in the Diocese to share our
blessings and to show our concern for one another.
If you’ve forgotten to bring it today, blank envelopes and pens/pencils
are available in the pews. For your
convenience, you may also take your pledge forms/envelopes to the rectory
office, or simply drop them in the collection basket.
Your participation and gift is important. LUNAR
NEW YEAR (TET) CELEBRATION St. Victor’s Parish Community will celebrate the Lunar New Year (TET) at the 12:15 P.M. Mass this Sunday, February 1st. All are welcome to join us for the reception and cultural performances in the hall after that Mass. Blessing of the Throats - Feast of St. Blaise The blessing of the sick by the Church is a
very ancient custom, rooted in imitation of Christ Himself and His
apostles. In the United States, the
annual Blessing of Throats is a traditional sign of the struggle against illness
in the life of the Christian. The
annual Blessing of Throats at St. Victor’s will take place this
Tuesday, February 3rd, at the 8:00 A.M. Mass and promptly at 4:00 P.M. in the Church (NO
MASS). First Friday
Adoration and Mass – February 6th
Please join us
for First Friday Adoration, which begins after the 8:00 A.M. Mass until Saturday
in the Chapel. First Friday
Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 P.M. in the Church
7-8, 2009 JOB
7:1-4, 6-7 1
CORINTHINAS 9:16-19, 22-23 MARK
1:29-39 [February
6th celebrates the Feast of Sts. Paul Miki, Felipe de Jesus and their
companions, martyrs.
St. Miki was the first martyr of the Americas and is the patron saint of
Mexico City.] PLANNED GIVING NOTESIncome from Money Market Funds, CDs, Bonds in the Dumps?Did you know that there is a way that you can increase your income from
funds invested in these types of assets, reduce your taxes and help your
parish at the same time? If you want to know more about this, the Diocese can provide free
assistance. Call Robert Serventi @
983-0168, or write to him at: 900 Lafayette St., Suite 301, Santa Clara, CA
95050. Is
There Sick Among You? (James
5:14) The sick and homebound members of St. Victor’s Parish are an important part of our spiritual community. To show our care and concern for them, our Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick would like to bring the Eucharist to them regularly. If you or a family member would like to be visited, please call Sister Noreen at the Rectory Office @ 251-7055. Spaghetti Dinner
St. Victor’s U.n.I. Lord Teens
will be hosting a Spaghetti Dinner & Entertainment in the parish hall on
Sunday, February 8th, from 4:30-6:30 P.M.
This evening promises to have excellent food and wonderful entertainment
for the very LOW prices of: $8.00 per adult, $4.00 per child (12 and under), or
$25.00 per family (immediate family members only).
Tickets will be available at the door.
Bring your friends, family and neighbors for a fun-filled evening. [Orders
“to go” are also available.] All proceeds benefit St. Victor’s
Youth Ministry Programs. Tickets will be available after Masses this
weekend. Theater of the Word
will present The Journey of St. Paul in St. Victor’s Church on
Saturday, February 28th, after the 5:00 P.M. Mass.
Plan on joining us for this FREE performance during the Pauline Year.
Please see the bulletin inserts on February 15th & 22nd
for all the details.
Intentions for the Week Monday
8:00 A.M.
Feliza S. Cura Tuesday
8:00 A.M.
Isabelita C. Antonio Wednesday
8:00 A.M.
Margaret Perrin Thursday
8:00 A.M.
Thanksgiving Friday
8:00 A.M.
Maria Trejo
7:30 P.M.
Sotero & Nicolasa Sanchez Lepe Saturday
8:00 A.M.
Acadio Barreras
5:00 P.M.
Thai Nguyen
(Father Lim) Sunday
7:00 A.M.
For the Parishioners of St. Victor Parish
(Father Phan)
8:00 A.M.
John Vu
(Father Phan) 9:15 A.M. St. Victor’s
Alumni & Their Special Intentions
(Father Lim)
10:45 A.M. Dr. Philip Neri &
Pat, Amelia & Connie Rapa
(Father Dwyer)
12:15 P.M. Benjamin A. Mutuc,
Banns of Marriage
Ranoa & Gayanne Garcia II Remember These
Members In Their Sorrow
St. Victor’s Parish Community would like to extend their sympathy and
prayers to the families and friends of Thelma Aquilino, Vasco Gonsales and
Bibiana D. Mendoza, who recently passed away. In Loving Memory
The Sanctuary flowers for January 31st through February 6th
were donated by the Benassi Family in loving memory of Katherine “Katie”
Benassi. If you would like to donate the altar flowers in celebration of a
baptism, birthday, marriage, anniversary, in thanksgiving or in memory of a
loved one, please call the Rectory Office @ 251-7055. Minimum donations requested
is $100.00. $CRIP,
e$CRIP AND OTHER PROGRAMS BENEFIT OUR SCHOOL $CRIP gift certificates will be available after Masses next weekend (except Sunday 7:00
and 8:00 A.M.) for all of your shopping, dining and gift-giving needs.
You purchase the gift certificate at face value and the merchant,
store or restaurant makes a donation to St. Victor’s.
e$CRIP – Families
shop and our students win! Register
your Macy’s, PW, Safeway Club cards or your Credit/Debit cards to earn
extra money for our school. Check
out www.escrip.com
for more information. St.
Victor’s School ID # for this program is – 142384393. Keep clipping those Box Tops for Education and saving the Campbell’s
Soup Product Labels and send them to the School Office (3150 Sierra Rd.)
or drop them by the School Office during regular school hours. Our school faculty, students and families THANK all the members of our parish community for their support. Thank You
THANKS to all the
members of our parish community, their family members and friends who came
to play at our fund-raiser BINGO last Friday.
Our 8th grade students appreciate your support of their
trip to Washington D.C. A SPECIAL
THANK YOU to all the school parents who worked before, during and after
BINGO, to help it make it so successful. SOCIAL
an employment program that prepares adults diagnosed with a mental illness
to find and maintain a job. To
learn more about this program, please contact Eila Latif @ eila@ccsj.org
or phone her @ 325-5286. NEWS
BRIEFS... The next meeting of the Catholic Professional and Business Club will
be held on Thursday, February 12th, at the Biltmore Hotel (2151
Laurelwood Rd., Santa Clara). Mass
will be celebrated at 7:00 A.M., followed by the Breakfast Program at 7:30
A.M. Cost is $20.00 for members,
$25.00 for non-members. Walk-ins
are welcome. The guest speaker
will be Michael Blach of Blach Construction Company. For
applications or more information about St. Victor’s School, please
call the School Office @ 251-1740 or visit their website @ www.school.stvictor.org
. “ Be holy in body and spirit.” (1 COR 7:34)
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