3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Conversion of St. Paul - January 24-25, 2009
second collection is for our St. Vincent de Paul Society.
Please help our volunteers help the needy of our own neighborhood.
Thank you! 2009 ANNUAL DIOCESAN APPEAL NEXT WEEKENDNext weekend we will celebrate PLEDGE SUNDAY at all Masses. Please bring your completed Pledge Form in its envelope and carry it to the altar during the Offertory Procession. When filling out your Pledge Form, please reflect on our Bishop’s call, “Growing In Faith Together.” Keep in mind all those who need our Church and our Diocese. May we like Christ, be prepared to give to others. CONGRATULATIONS to Bishop
Patrick J. McGrath on the 20th anniversary of his ordination to the
Order of Bishops. St. Victor’s
Parish Community offers our prayers and best wishes for him, as he continues in
his ministry.
at Open House this Sunday, January 25th, from 10:00
A.M.-1:30 P.M. Applications for St. Victor’s School for the 2009-10 school
year are available Monday-Friday from 8:00 A.M.-3:30 P.M. at the School Office
and online @ www.school.stvictor.org
. The theme for Catholic Schools
Week (January 25th-Friday, January 30th) this year is Celebrate
Service. The student council has
special activities planned during the week for the students, faculty, staff and
parents. LUNAR
Victor’s Parish Community will celebrate the Lunar New Year (TET) at the 12:15
P.M. Mass on Sunday, February 1st.
All are welcome to join us for the reception and cultural performances in
the hall after that Mass. HAPPY
Monday, January 26th! Year of the ox! SCRIPTURE
18:15-20 1
1:21-28 PLANNED
Plans – Use ‘Em or Lose ‘Em Did you know
that retirement plan assets are part of your estate?
They also have never been taxed as income.
The IRS loves these plans, because they can get two bites instead
of one! This can reduce their value
to your heirs by up to 70%. If you want to
know more about this, the Diocese can provide free assistance.
Call Robert Servanti @ 983-0168, or write to him at: 900 Lafayette St.,
Suite 301, Santa Clara, CA 95050. OUR
LADY OF GUADALUPE 14TH ANNUAL CRAB FEED... will be held next Saturday, January 31st, in the Parish
hall. Cost is $40.00 per person.
{No Host Bar from 6:00-7:00 P.M., Dinner from 7:00-8:30 P.M., followed by
Dancing until 11:30 P.M.} For
information and/or tickets, please call the Parish Office @ 251-7055. There will be NO
refunds and NO tickets will be sold at the door. Spaghetti Dinner
St. Victor’s U.n.I. Lord Teens
will be hosting a Spaghetti Dinner & Entertainment in the parish hall on
Sunday, February 8th, from 4:30-6:30 P.M.
This evening promises to have excellent food and wonderful entertainment
for the very LOW prices of: $8.00 per adult, $4.00 per child (12 and under), or
$25.00 per family (immediate family members only).
Tickets will be available at the door.
Bring your friends, family and neighbors for a fun-filled evening.
[Orders “to go” are also available.] All proceeds benefit St. Victor’s
Youth Ministry Programs. Tickets will be available after Masses next
weekend. THE GOOD ORDER OF THE HOUSE OF GODOur ushers provide a very welcome service at our celebrations of the Eucharist. Please assist them if they ask for your help and cooperation. Please help to keep the Church and the surrounding area neat and clean. At the end of Mass you can help by replacing your Music books and Missalettes in the pew racks and by taking your bulletin home with you for handy reference. Please do not chew gum in or around the Church. Dispose of chewing gum in a trash receptacle not on the ground or under the pews. There is a CRYING ROOM available for young children with room for one parent. Out of respect for the priest and courtesy to others, please arrive at Mass on time and remain in your pews until the priest has left the Church. Thank you for your cooperation.Check Out the latest issue of The Valley Catholic...Parishioner, Sally Carpentero (Lay/Secular Orders Annual Mass with Bishop Patrick J. McGrath) is on page 3, an article regarding the Layette Shower (of which St. Victor’s was a part) is on page 5, and Josie Jimenez and St. Victor’s St. Vincent de Paul Society’s Giving Tree is written-up on page 28. THANKS to our parishioners for their support with their time, talent and treasures.
Intentions for the Week Monday
8:00 A.M.
Sotero Lepe & Nicolasa Sanchez Lepe Tuesday
8:00 A.M.
Edward & Cecilia Jasinski Wednesday
8:00 A.M.
Renato C. Suarez Thursday
8:00 A.M.
Steven Jasinski Friday
8:00 A.M.
Alvin & Agnes Miller Saturday
8:00 A.M.
Teresita Sagon Lao & Lucia David Sazon
5:00 P.M.
Jovito Pastores
(Father Lim) Sunday
7:00 A.M.
For the Parishioners of St. Victor Parish
(Father Lim)
8:00 A.M.
Chau Vu
(Father Phan)
9:15 A.M.
Benjamin B. Lao
((Father Lim)
10:45 A.M. Evelyn La Crox
(Father Dwyer)
12:15 P.M. Medy Loresto
(Father Phan)
Banns of Marriage
Ranoa & Gayanne Garcia I In Loving Memory
week’s Sanctuary flowers were donated in loving memory of Dabbie Lyn
Rivera by her family. If you didn't get a chance
to purchase tickets for the Priest-Seminarian Basketball Challenge Game
on Friday, February 6th, at 7:00 PM at PARISH REGISTRATION. Registration means “filling out a census card.” Unless you have registered, we have no record of your presence in our parish. If you get no mail from the rectory or envelope service, you may conclude that you have not registered. Please stop by the rectory office during regular office hours (Monday-Friday from 8:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M.) and fill out a census card, or call the Parish Office @ 251-7055 and we will be happy to mail you one. If you are registered, it makes it easier to obtain letters of recommendation, for sponsorship for sacraments, etc. Please also consider using the weekly envelope system, which will automatically be ordered for you from our envelope service. (They should start to arrive around a month after you have registered.) For those who choose not to use envelopes, we have no record of attendance at Mass or contributions and are unable to send end of the year statements regarding contributions for your tax records. FOR SAFETY SAKE For your safety as well as the safety of others, we ask your cooperation with St. Victor’s, the Police Department and the Fire Department by parking in designated areas only. We especially need the fire lanes to be left open and clear. (You may be ticketed!) As a courtesy to others, we ask you to follow traffic signs in and out of the parish grounds. Please also obey the posted signs – Speed Limit of 5 miles per hour - when driving on the parish grounds. We hope those few traffic rules will help keep everyone safe, and smooth any traffic flow problems we may have. The Diocesan Insurance Company does no permit parking in the back parking lot (hall, parish center area) after the 8:00 A.M. weekday Masses due to the presence and for the safety of our School children. Thank you for your cooperation in these important matters. SOCIAL
JUSTICE NOTES... U.n.I. LORD TEENS WINTER SERVICE PROJECT. If you have clean, gently used coats (men’s sizes most needed), clean blankets, towels or new socks, they can certainly be put to good use. The U.n.I. Lord Teen Group will be accepting your donations of these items only for shelters throughout this winter. Please drop off your donation at the CM or Rectory Office between 8:00 A.M.–4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. God bless you for your consideration to the needy of our community. NEEDY FAMILIES. Our St. Vincent de Paul Society volunteers are working with several families in our parish community in need of a clothes dryer and a woman’s bicycle. If you are able to help, please call the Rectory Office @ 251-7055. CATHOLIC CHARITIES PROGRAMS. Learn
more about the social ministry of our Bishop, the mission of Catholic
Charities rooted in gospel values, and the opportunities to join or support
this work by visiting our web site @ www.catholiccharitiesscc.org
WILL BE A SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)
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