Baptism of the Lord - January 10-11, 2009
From the Pastor’s Pen. There
are many events coming up for the parish and school in the next couple months,
but I would like to underscore three events happening outside of St. Victor that
may have interest for many of our parishioners: The Diocesan celebration of
Santo Nino at the cathedral on Saturday, January 17 at noon, which includes a
blessing of the Santo Nino’s images by the bishop. The San Francisco Walk for Life is on Saturday,
January 24. You can find information about this peaceful witness for life
I'm excited at finally getting a chance to be part of this and hope to see you
many of you there. If you didn't get a chance to purchase tickets this weekend to the
Priest-Seminarian basketball challenge game on Friday, February 6 at 7 PM at
Santa Clara University, you may do so by contacting the San Jose Vocations
Office at 983-0155 or online at
. This is a real game -- everybody on the court knows how to play
the game -- and I hope to be leading a St. Victor cheering section there.
With the poor state of Bay Area basketball this year, it might be the best game
to see this winter! There are other activities for kids too at half time:
it is definitely a family event. Now all we have to do is figure out who
to root for, the priests or seminarians...God bless us all in this new year! Fr. Michael Hendrickson SECOND COLLECTION TODAY FOR ETHNIC MINORITIES AND LATIN AMERICAAlmost half of the people in Latin America live in poverty, and half of these men, women and children are extremely destitute. Yet for many of them, the lack of income, basic sanitation and decent housing is compounded by spiritual poverty. The collection for the Church in Latin America funds projects throughout Mexico, Central and South America and the Caribbean, that bring marginalized people more fully into the life of the Church. Your gift to this collection provides greatly needed pastoral care and religious training to rural communities and indigenous populations, helping to enrich people’s faith with genuine Catholic teaching. SCHOOL
for St. Victor’s School for the 2009-10 school year are available
Monday-Friday from 8:00 A.M.-3:30 P.M. at the School Office and online @
. Please join us at Open House on
Sunday, January 25th, from 10:00 A.M.-1:30 P.M. SCRIPTURE READINGS
JANUARY 17-18, 2009 1 SAMUEL 3:3-10, 19 1 CORINTHIANS 6:13-15, 17-20 JOHN 1:35-42 PLANNED GIVING NOTESYour Friend, the
You can
easily change your will to benefit St. Victor’s Parish.
All you need to do is have a codicil that adds to or modifies something
in your will. Codicils are
effective, inexpensive and easy. If you want to know more about this, the Diocese can provide free assistance. Call Bob Serventi @ 983-0168, or write to him at: 900 Lafayette St., Suite 301, Santa Clara, CA 95050. Discernment
Weekend at St. Patrick’s Seminary
St. Patrick’s Seminary and University will be hosting its Annual
Discernment Weekend, January 16th - 18th.
We cordially invite any men who are considering a vocation to the
priesthood to spend it with us. The
program for the weekend will include presentations, discussions, liturgies, time
for private prayer, as well as opportunities for socializing and free time.
There is no cost for this weekend. In
order to attend this event, a parish priest must sponsor you.
{Any of our priests would be happy to sponsor you.
Please call the Rectory Office @ 251-7055 for more information.}
Do not hesitate to contact the seminary if you have any other questions
or call (650) 325-5621. COME AND SEE. Women inquiring
about religious life are
invited to come to a day of information and reflection with the Sisters of the
Holy Names on any one of the following Saturdays from 9:30 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.
(January 17th, February 21st, March 21st, April
25th and May 23rd) in Santa Clara.
Deadline for sign-up is the previous Tuesday.
[Lunch is provided. Optional
donations will be accepted.] To
register or for more information, please call Sr. Rosemary Everett, SNJM @
Those families who use the parish envelope system will soon
be receiving statements of contribution(s) for determining the amounts given by
each family in Regular, Special and Development fund collections.
These statements are done out of courtesy for you and are very useful in
preparing your income tax returns. We
thank you for your continued support ant generosity. PLEASE NOTE: Catholic Foundation and ADA
contribution statements will be mailed to you directly from those Diocesan
Offices. Santo Nino FiestaThe Diocesan Council of Filipino Catholics, Diocese of San Jose, invites everyone to the annual celebration of the Feast of Santo Nino on January 17th at St. Joseph’s Cathedral Basilica (80 S. Market St.). Bishop Patrick J. McGrath will preside at the Eucharistic celebration. Before the Mass is the traditional “Sinulog and Karakol” processions, beginning at 11:30 A.M. The fiesta will be preceded by a nine-day novena, which will be held at different churches in the Diocese. In the evening on the 17th, there will be a dinner/dance at St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish Hall in Santa Clara. Tickets cost $30.00 per person. For more information, please see the flyer posted on the bulletin board in the vestibule or call 729-7228 or 578-5101.
Intentions for the Week Monday January 12 8:00 A.M. Aracadio Barreras Tuesday
January 13
8:00 A.M.
Marge Cutler
January 14
8:00 A.M.
Josephine Cronk Thursday
January 15
8:00 A.M.
Ginger MdGreevy Friday
January 16
8:00 A.M.
Frank & Decima Malatesta Saturday
January 17
8:00 A.M.
5:00 P.M.
Alice Nissen
(Father Lim) Sunday
January 18
7:00 A.M.
For the Parishioners of St. Victor Parish
(Father Lim)
8:00 A.M.
John Vu
(Father Lim)
9:15 A.M.
Nemecia Danipog
(Father Perata)
10:45 A.M. Adela Santos
(Father Dwyer)
12:15 P.M. Fred Bennett
(Father Hendrickson)
If you would like to donate flowers for the Sanctuary in memory of a loved one, in thanksgiving or in celebration of a birthday, baptism, marriage or anniversary, please call the Rectory Office @ 251-7055. Minimum donation requested is $100.00.
Pray List
pray for the sick, seriously ill and hospitalized members of our parish
community including those preparing for surgical procedures and tests,
especially Clyde McMorrow and Alicia Sera. Our
St. Victor’s Parish Community would like to extend their
sympathy and prayers to the families and friends of Ester Del Rosario,
Inocencio Irrebaria, Medy Loresto and Peggy O’Neill, who recently passed
away. PHO
NOODLE SOUP THIS WEEKEND... Come and enjoy delicious Vietnamese noodle soup (pho) after
all Masses this weekend (except Sunday 5:00 P.M.) in the Parish Hall.
Take out is also available. Requested
donation is $5.00 for a large bowl of soup and a drink. LUNAR NEW YEAR (TET) CELEBRATION – St.
Victor’s Parish Community will celebrate the Lunar New Year (TET) at the
12:15 P.M. Mass on Sunday, February 1st.
All are welcome to join us for the reception and cultural
performances in the hall after that Mass.
$CRIP gift
certificates will be available after Masses this weekend (except
Sunday 7:00 & 8:00 A.M.). You
purchase the gift certificate at face value and the
store/merchant/restaurant makes a donation to St. Victor’s School.
A SPECIAL THANK YOU to all the members of our parish community
that support this program regularly throughout the year. BINGO
Fundraiser for St. Victor’s School 8th Grade Washington DC Trip
– Packet Sales This Weekend Please join us for BINGO on Friday, January 23rd, doors open
at 5:00 P.M. with Early Bird Games (50/50 payout per game) beginning at 6:30
P.M., Regular Games start at 7:00 P.M. with a maximum payout of $250.00
(simultaneous bingos will split payouts evenly). Food, snacks and drinks
will be available for purchase while you play. Bingo packs, cash only – 2
packs for $15.00, 3 packs for $20.00 and a 4 pack special for $25.00
[includes a free dabber and a coupon for a snack and a drink].
Each additional pack cost $5.00 each.
packet sales this weekend and next weekend after all Masses
(except Sunday 7:00 A.M.). OUR
LADY OF GUADALUPE 14TH ANNUAL CRAB FEED... will be held on Saturday, January 31st, in the Parish hall.
Cost is $40.00 per person. {No
Host Bar from 6:00-7:00 P.M., Dinner from 7:00-8:30 P.M., followed by
Dancing until 11:30 P.M.} For
information and/or tickets, please call the Rectory Office @ 251-7055. There will be NO
refunds and NO tickets will be sold at the door. SOCIAL
collection is next weekend. Please
bring your non-perishable food donations only (tuna, peanut butter,
macaroni & cheese, canned fruits & vegetables, etc.) and place them
in the box in the vestibule of the Church. Thank you. U.n.I. LORD TEENS WINTER SERVICE PROJECT. If you have clean, gently used coats (men’s sizes most needed), clean blankets or towels, they can certainly be put to good use. The U.n.I. Lord Teen Group will be accepting your clean donations for shelters throughout this winter. New socks are needed too. Please drop off your donation at the CM or Rectory Office between 8:00 A.M.–4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. God bless you for your consideration to the needy of our community. NEEDY FAMILIES. Our St. Vincent de Paul Society volunteers are working with several families in our parish community in need of a clothes dryer and a woman’s bicycle. If you are able to help, please call the Rectory Office @ 251-7055. THANK YOU to the parishioner who recently donated the dresser. ANNUAL BI-LINGUAL MASS OF REPARATIONS – Please
join us at the Mission Santa Clara on Thursday, January 22nd, at
7:30 P.M., when we will celebrate the Mass of Reparations to remember and
honor the unborn souls of children who were not permitted to live.
The Mass will be in English and Spanish.
The co-celebrants are Father Mark Catalana and Father Martin Abrego.
Escorting the celebrants will be the Knights of Columbus Color Corp
of the Assemblies of the Diocese of San Jose. The choir will be Caritas from
the Holy Family Parish. Proceeds
will benefit the Juan Diego Society.
WALK FOR LIFE WEST COAST 2009 – will be held on Saturday, January 24th.
Join upwards of 25,000 pro-lifer’s for this 5th annual
walk in San Francisco, as we peacefully proclaim our message that abortion
hurts! For more information
visit their website @
. For bus/carpool information, please contact Sharron Hollenbeck
in the CM Office @ 251-0154 PRO-LIFE MASS & PRAY WALK at St. Nicholas Church (two blocks south of Main Street on the Frontage
Road west of Foothill Expressway) in Los Altos on Thursday, January 22nd,
at 11:30 A.M. will mark the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision
legalizing abortion. Following the Mass, a silent Prayer Walk will proceed
eight blocks to the Los Altos City Hall at 12:30 P.M.
For details, please call Hubert Lipinski @ (650) 493-3156. THERE WILL BE A SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND FOR ST. VICTOR’S
TUITION ASSISTANCE. PARISH PAY – Contributions may be made monthly by credit card or
checking account transfers – is coming to St. Victor’s mid-February.
How to sign-up and details to follow. January
is the anniversary month of the Roe vs. Wade decision on a woman’s right
to abortion. Please
prayerfully remember all those children who have been aborted and pray for
every child’s – Right to Life. “You are My beloved Son; with You I am well pleased.” (Mark 1:11)
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